The MVGCSA offers three types of scholarships. The first, the MVGCSA Turfgrass Scholarship, is for turf students who are enrolled in a full-time golf course or turf industry program. The second, the MVGCSA Legacy Scholarship, is for children of an active association member, who are or will be enrolled in college or community college on a full-time basis. The third, MVGCSA Valley Futures Scholarship, is a grant to provide currently employed Turfgrass professionals an opportunity to obtain a formal agronomy education. Details for requirements and application information follows:
General Information:
- Number of scholarship awards are limited and may vary on an annual basis.
- All applicants must complete and submit the official MVGCSA scholarship application.
DEADLINE: All applications must be received or postmarked before midnight June 10, 2024.
- Scholarship certificates will be presented at the annual MVGCSA meeting in November. Recipients will be invited to attend, however attendance is not mandatory.
- Scholarship funds will be presented to the recipient and payable to their respective college or university prior to the fall semester.
- Association activity of the applicants associated member may be a factor of consideration in the evaluation process.


The MVGCSA is offering scholarships to turf students meeting the following criteria:
- The student must have completed (or within the current semester) 32 credit hours of course work, carrying no less than a 2.75 GPA.
- The student must be enrolled in an accredited, full-time Golf Course management and/or Turf Industry program, OR enrolled in online or evening classes pertaining to the same.
How to apply:
- Compose an autobiography of no less than 500 words detailing your academic achievement, experience in the turf industry, extra curricular activities and the direction you plan to take your career after graduation. Presentation of this autobiography will be a factor in the applicant's evaluation.
- Submit the official MVGCSA Turfgrass Scholarship application.
- Submit a college transcript (unofficial transcripts are acceptable) AND a current class schedule (for verification of full-time status).
- Submit a current photo (digital jpg format preferred) for publication in the MVGCSA newsletter.
- Submit no less than two letters of reference from a school advisor or individual established in the turf industry (employer or mentor).
The MVGCSA Research and Scholarship Committee will review all applications.


The MVGCSA is offering scholarships to children and grandchildren of active members meeting the following criteria:
- One of the applicant’s parents or grandparents must be an active member of the association for three or more consecutive years. (Activity of the parent/grandparent within the MVGCSA will be a consideration in the evaluation process)
- The student must be accepted/enrolled full-time in an accredited undergraduate college or junior college for the upcoming fall semester.
How to apply:
- Compose an autobiography of no less than 500 words detailing your academic achievement, extra-curricular and community involvement, leadership and employment. Presentation of this autobiography will be a factor in the applicant's evaluation.
- Submit the official MVGCSA Legacy Scholarship application.
- Submit a college transcript (unofficial transcripts are acceptable) AND a current class schedule (for verification of full-time status) for current college students. Entering freshmen should include a high school transcript along with a collegiate letter of acceptance.
- Submit a current photo (digital jpg format preferred) for publication in the MVGCSA newsletter.
- Submit no less than two letters of reference from a school advisor, employer or mentor.
The MVGCSA Research and Scholarship Committee, in conjunction with a University faculty member, will review all MVGCSA Legacy Scholarship applications.

MVGCSA Valley Futures Scholarship
The MVGCSA is offering scholarship grants to currently employed St. Louis metropolitan golf course professionals meeting the following criteria:
- The employee have a minimum of 2 years of experience in Golf Course Maintenance, and must be currently employed at a golf course in the greater STL metropolitan area, while serving in a role that is directly responsible for grounds maintenance at that facility.
- The employee must not have previously completed a formal education in Horticulture, agronomy, plant science and/or related field, and must be eager for the opportunity to pursue that education.
How to apply:
- Compose an autobiography of no less than 500 words detailing your professional achievements, experience in the turf industry, extra-curricular activities and the direction you plan to take your career after graduation. Presentation of this autobiography will be a factor in the applicant's evaluation.
- Submit the official MVGCSA Valley Futures Scholarship application.
- Professional Resume
- Proposed education description, schedule, and total cost
- Submit a current photo (digital jpg format preferred) for publication in the MVGCSA newsletter.
- Submit no less than two letters of reference from a supervisor or individual established in the golf course industry (employee, members, mentors, etc).
The MVGCSA Research and Scholarship Committee will review all applications.